Redi Rock Retaining Walls Service

Redi Rock Retaining Walls Contractor in Tennessee, Kentucky and Surrounding Areas

Redi Rock designs are made to be extremely durable yet flexible enough for any project. With the installation of a Redi Rock retaining wall, you can protect your property from soil erosion and improve its overall aesthetics. Furthermore, this type of wall offers great water drainage capability, so you don’t have to worry about flooding or seepage issues. When you hire a reputable contractor in Tennessee & Kentucky, who specializes in these walls, they will be able to guide you through every step of the process while providing excellent customer service throughout the entire project!

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 Types of Retaining Walls we install in Tennessee & Kentucky

Gravity Walls

Gravity walls are one of the most common retaining walls and have been used for centuries. They rely on their weight to remain stable, making them an economical choice for many applications. Gravity walls are often used to support slopes and retain soil or water at residential properties and commercial sites.

Reinforced Walls

Reinforced walls are a type of retaining wall designed to be strong and durable. This type of wall is constructed with reinforced concrete and steel reinforcement bars, which help to hold the structure together against any external pressure or loads it may have to endure.

Freestanding Walls

Freestanding walls are a type of retaining wall not anchored to the ground. They are typically used for structural purposes, such as defining an area or creating visual interest in a landscape design. These walls require careful planning and consideration of soil conditions before installation.

Hybrid Walls

Hybrid walls are a type of retaining wall that combines different materials to create stronger, more cost-effective structures. These walls use concrete and steel and soil reinforcement techniques such as geogrids, rock bolts, and soil nails. 

Advanced Wall Installation - Retaining Walls Solutions with Redi Rock Retaining Walls in Tennesse & Kentucky

Advanced Wall Installation is the premier retaining wall solutions provider in Tennessee & Kentucky. We specialize in Redi-Rock Retaining Walls, which offer superior strength and durability for all applications. With years of experience installing high-quality walls, we are committed to providing our customers with reliable and cost-effective retaining wall solutions that will last for years. With Advanced Wall Installation as your choice for retaining wall solutions in Tennessee & Kentucky, you can trust that you’re getting top-notch service from start to finish!

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